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Cacao sacré



In February 2022, Sakara was called to embark on a journey to connect with the Cacao Plant. Driven by this inner calling, she traveled to Guatemala, where she uncovered the profound intricacies of the cacao world, notably within local plantations and rituals, ancient Mayan sites, and ruins. Recognizing the desire to support the mission of this remarkable Plant at an international level, she committed to promoting awareness of the nectar derived from its prodigious fruit in its purest and most natural form.

Thus, the vision of the project "One Love Cacao" began to take shape gradually.

It then became a project within the Swiss association One Love Creation, whose aim is to promote individual and collective well-being, harmonious relations and lasting peace in the world.


Cacao sacré

The OneLoveCacao painting, 2023

According to the theory of species evolution, the cacao tree (or cocoa tree), like all living forms, is in the process of evolving. During the era of the Mayan civilization, the consciousness of the cacao tree reached a pivotal threshold in its evolutionary transformation. It is for this reason that the Guatemalan region of Central America is now felt to be the heart of the cacao land, despite the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao) originating in the Amazon rainforest of South America. This appreciation is corroborated historically by the fact that it was from Mesoamerica that cacao took off to other continents (see our section on The history of cacao).

The cacao tree's energy is very subtle. A great deal of humility and depth are required to access the magical powers of its fruit. Flourishing in its natural habitat, the cacao tree typically thrives in a balance of shade and light, often surrounded by various plant species. It can be inferred that the Cacao Plant possesses a remarkable ability to connect with its environment, assimilating odors and scents that contribute to the distinctive taste and aroma of cocoa beans within its pods. With regards to this, the quality of the soil is of significance, as the drier it is, the more bitter the cocoa beans will become. This is why, in addition to the fact that there are several varieties of cacao tree - the most widespread of which are Criollo, Forastero and Trinitario - the distinctive taste and fragrance of cacao vary across plantations, locations, regions, and countries.


Organic cocoa

Maya monument of a bat, Copan, Honduras, 2022

<< The quest of oneself within the shadows >>. This painting portrays the initiation journey of a native shaman woman, emanating an essence of wisdom, fulfillment, and service. She extends to us the sacred cacao, discovered in the most secluded depths of the Amazon rainforest. Her purpose is to elevate spiritual consciousness and facilitate a reconnection with our ancestral origins.


Each animal represented in the painting carries a specific meaning and vibration.


The Spirit of the Bat presided over the ancient Mayan city of Copán (in present-day Copán Ruinas in Honduras), which was the Mayan cacao capital. There are species of bats that are among the largest and most widespread pollinators in the world, and over 300 families of food plants depend on them for pollination, including cacao, whose plantations benefit enormously from their activity (source here). There is a powerful alliance between the Cacao Plant and the Bat. While the latter may appear to be a cause for concern, it is in fact the bearer of a deep, luminous, feminine energy of love.

And then, intrigued by the fact that every state in America has its national bird, Sakara chose these animals to represent the various countries where cacao is grown. She chose the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) to represent Mexico, the mythical resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) for Guatemala, the tucán pico de quilla (Ramphastos sulfuratus) for Belize and the scarlet macaw (Ara macao) for Honduras. She also selected the blue-browed motmot (Eumomota superciliosa) for El Salvador and Nicaragua, the tawny blackbird (Turdus grayi) for Costa Rica, the ferocious harpy (Harpia harpyja) for Panama, the Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) for Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia, the troupial oriole (Icterus icterus) for Venezuela and the Peruvian cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola peruvianus) for Peru.


Cultivation of the cacao tree has expanded beyond the Americas and is now established in Africa and Asia, symbolized by the African elephant (Loxodonta) and the Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris), respectively.

"I painted it with a lot of love, and the energy of this cacao plant connecting with the human being and animals of the earth", Walter Tamani, from the Amazon visionary pictorial movement, Pucallpa, Peru, 2023.


Experte en cacao naturel

Sakara, Peru, 2023

The organization One Love Creation, to which the project of One Love Cacao belongs, directly interacts with small-scale farmers and producers who have been most of them met personally at their cacao plantations and production sites. 

Cocoa beans and processed cacao are purchased at a fair price, demonstrating a commitment to honour and enhance the economic welfare of local communities and their workforce. No children are employed on the plantations from which we source our cacao (for additional information on the exploitation of children on cacao plantations, please refer to this link).

Our trade is direct and ethical.

Our cocoa is 100% pure and organic, grown with respect for the natural environment and prepared in a sustainable and traditional manner in the country of origin. 

The qualities of the Cacao Plant govern and envelop the entire production and distribution chain of our products.

Finally, it should be noted that our organization One Love Creation, that distributes our cacao One Love Cacao, has its base in Coppet, Switzerland. 


We are all intricately linked to an ocean of pure, loving light energy that radiates from, transcends, and interlaces with all that exists, as among others Albert Einstein and quantum physics demonstrated, notably through the renowned concept of the quantum field. Collectively, we constitute a unified entity, we are ONE. As Bob Marley sang, the invitation is to return to the One Love and One Heart, by connecting to it through the portal of our own heart. 

As we understand it, the Cacao Plant conveys a similar message. This plant is presently cultivated in various regions across the globe along the equatorial axis, resulting in distinct energetic imprints.

However, it originates from a singular source - the Amazon rainforest. The intelligence inherent in cacao trees is cohesive, embodying a unified essence of love. Its purpose is to contribute to harmony and peace within individuals' hearts and throughout the world.

ONE Love. ONE Love Cacao.

For a harmonious world of lasting peace. 

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